Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about the Circle of Fifths?
The circle of fifths is often referred to as “the Rosetta Stone of Music Theory”, and for good reason! It’s perfectly normal to drag your feet a little on learning music theory, but a lot of the answers are right in front of us on the hammered dulcimer.
We’re going to discuss the circle and how it can help you in understanding what you’re playing and why it works. This will help you learn music on the fly. It will help you with sight reading. It will help you with arranging. And it will help you with learning by ear. There are savants who hear things one time and can play everything perfectly, but the best, and most typical aural learners often learn quickly because a part of them knows what to expect. The Circle of Fifths is an excellent tool for learning how to know what to expect in music.
Below are a bunch of things we may or may not get around to discussing during the workshop.
Here is a video which incorporates this progression and shows how it supports a number of popular tunes.