Logo Re-Design - Quick Nic Juice


Adele and Richie Schure started their business making and selling e-liquids for electronic cigarettes about 5 years ago in 2009. They'd both decided to kick the habit of smoking and turned towards e-cigarettes.  After learning extensively about the products, they were inspired to start their own business. The business has grown exponentially over the years and is currently ranked in the top 5 e-liquid companies.  They also sell e-cigarettes, supplies, and do repairs.  

Up till recently, their entire business has been online, with their biggest customers being overseas, but in 2013 they opened up a store-front in Sandwich, Illinois.  They currently have over 100 flavors and a tasting bar where you can sample any of them before purchasing.

At the time, I was just starting out as a designer and I'll admit, I wasn't producing the best work of my life.  I designed their original logo and while I'm not a fan of it, it has served them well for years. But moving into 2014, and facing even more growth provoked them to approach me about updating the logo.  We wanted to keep some elements the same, while creating a stronger, more commercial brand.

We'll be working on quite a few projects in 2014.

Check out www.QuickNicJuice.com for more information.

This is off topic for me, but I do want to say this. I'm not a smoker and never have been. I don't support smoking, but I do support these products as replacements for actual cigarettes. Time will tell about the health hazards...but time has already told us a lot about the hazards of actual cigarette smoking and I'm not sure it could be a whole lot worse.

The next time you hear a politician speaking on the topic of outlawing e-cigarettes, consider this; Real cigarettes are not approved by the FDA either.  Real cigarettes are proven to be deadly killers.  Real cigarettes are taxed till kingdom come. A lot of people make a lot of money off cigarettes, taxes, and the cancers/health conditions associated with smoking...you can draw your own conclusions.

Screenshot 2014-01-07 11.56.16.png
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